I'm not a scientist. Most of the information I've been researching lately I don't truly understand, it's taken a lot of rereading, rewatching, and decoding to grasp the main ideas, but the information nonetheless has resonated with my soul even at the most basic level. I've spent the last few months on a "spiritual journey" or something in that nature, and what I've discovered for myself has changed my image of God (or the universe if you're not a believer, there's a place for you here, too) in it's entirety.
I'm not sure who I thought God was prior to this. I was raised Catholic; I attended a private school with religion classes daily & church weekly. Somewhere along the lines, God became skewed. He was grand, powerful, and all-knowing, but I didn't actively seek Him. I had to take time out of my day for Him, to pray, go to church, thank him, etc. Being a believer came with tasks, and oftentimes I just didn't feel like doing them. I knew it was the right thing to do, but it felt more like a chore to follow God. I can't speak for anyone, but if I felt this way and religion was engraved into my daily routine my whole life, it's possible others do, too. Maybe this feeling is why most believers aren't active in the faith. Can you relate?
I'm worried I'm prematurely sharing this. I don't have most of the answers, it's all so new to me and the thought of attempting to put it into words makes me sweat. I've toggled with the idea of waiting until I gain a more firm understanding, but one tiny spark of interest is all it took to rock my core beliefs, and we have to start somewhere. So here's what months of late night reading, videos, journaling, and praying has led me to.
Who is God to me today? The words "quantum physics" are terrifying. It's common knowledge that those who claim to know quantum physics, don't understand quantum physics. But what we do know, is that science tells us when atoms are broken down, when anything is broken down into it's smallest part, it comes down to pure energy. If every single atom broken down to it's most minute self is this pure energy, then it's safe to say this pure energy makes up everything, right?
This pure energy is God.
In the past, when told that we are made in God's image or likeness, it led me to think that He was a being. If we are our own singular beings and we are made from the image of God, then He must be, too. I was wrong. We are made in the image of God because we are literally made of God! This pure energy that makes up the entire universe & all that comes with it IS God. God isn't inhabiting up in heaven, He is the universe. He is the energy that flows throughout all living and nonliving. Visible and invisible.
My past image of God made it difficult to understand how God could be everywhere at once like the Bible tells us. How to put into words what I was imagining...this grand being with the capability to think & see all that He created, I guess? God is everywhere at once because he makes up everything. Everything is connected by this energy that forms atoms that make up the universe as we know it. The universe is God.
Scientists now know that this energy can't not exist. This energy is infinite and there is no universe without it. It always has been & always will be. Sound familiar? God is starting to make sense.
Maybe this idea is common knowledge to Christians. Maybe it made sense to all but me that we could be made in God's likeness, yet He could be everywhere at once. That He knows all of our thoughts. Feels all of our intentions. Always has been & always will be. Maybe I was just taught that's just who He is, and never got an explanation but was expected to believe it & live by it. If so, this won't be news to anyone & there's no need to share my thoughts from here, but if not, it is possible for everyday average Christians like me to gain a passionate faith in our great God. One that isn't a chore, but is intriguing, powerful, scientific, awakening, and astonishing!
I have never felt more alive. This is just the beginning. I am excited to share my thoughts with you along the way. Some of my big eye-openers early on have been the science behind how prayer works, the physical power of words & thoughts, and how this all can be applied to our daily lives to give us a fresh lens.
I am here to give everyone a chance to have saint-like faith because we want it and to help you want to know God and the role he plays in your life. Faith shouldn't be a series of "should" tasks that bore us. God is alive in us!
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Kalyn Tranel